Thursday, August 14, 2008

G-d's name hides behind Tu B'av טוּ בּ'אב

Tu B'av is the day when inter-tribal marriages were allowed and when people had ruach ha-kodesh to know the identity of their beshert/e.

In the Talmud (Ta'anit 4:8) at we read that Rabbi Simeon ben Gamliel said there never were in Israel greater days of joy than the 15th of Av and the Day of Atonement. Both of these days are part of the cycle of new beginnings.

Tu טוּ
Tet-vav, ie 9 + 6 = 15
to avoid 10 + 5 (yod + heh)
which would form part of G'd's name. בּ'אב b' (in) Av (the name of the month, which occurs in July or August.)

ruach (spirit or wind) ha (the article)
Hmm must be a smichut/construct/idaafa form--stick "the" before the first word and "of" between the two nouns. QDS (holy) same as Arabic.
I can't recall the customary translation into English--maybe "divine insight."

Would it were that easy now!

NYC singles celebrate in 5768, with a high-tech twist:
New York Times Coverage:

1 comment:

Iman said...


I love your spontaneous outpouring!!! And, I love that I can understand tranliterations of Hebrew because I know arabic. Aside from Kodesh being from the same root as the arabic q-d-s, ruach is clearly ruh, which can be soul, person, spirit, inspiration, etc. Love it!!!! thanks for the beautiful thoughts/ the intertribal union concept... love everything about your blog post!!!! *mwah* hope to see you soon!
