Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who knows seven? The gematriya of Shabbat

wine (yayin) 10 + 10 + 50 = 70 --> 7
Challah (bread)
meat (basar) 2 beth + sin + resh
dag (fish) daleth 4 + gimmel 3 = 7

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nun ן נ is the letter of the month of Cheshvan חשון

Hebrew Calendar: Wed, 29 October 2008 - 30th of Tishrei, 5769 - Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (the new moon of the month of cheshvan)So Tuesday night was Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, the last day of Tishrei, and tonight will be (I"H) the first day of Cheshvan. Is that confusing, or what? Rosh Chodesh this year is two days this month--one day in Tishrei and one day in Cheshvan.

Nun is the letter of the month--it represents Moshiach. It is bent in galut (exile) and is upright when Redemption comes. Got the letters from Chen's keyboard: ן נ
The long, vertical one is the final form used, at the end of the word. The sound is /n/.

These words' spiritual meanings are related to each other because their numerical values are the same, via their shared gematriya:
נחש [naxash] snake 358 = n/50 + x/8 + sh/300
מש'ח [moshiax] Moshiach 358 = m/40 + sh/300 + i/10 + x/8
The spiritual force of the snake is harnassed for good by the spiritual strength of Moshiach.

This is the 8th month of the year, counting from Nissan. (You can see this in the English month of October, which has the number 8 in it.--from Rabbi M. Kosman) Of course, if you count from Tishrei, then cheshvan is the second month.

The sense of the month is smell. Only that sense refrained from sinning in the Garden of Eden. That sense has a direct line to the soul, which experiences the joy of the sense. On Yom Kippur we refrain from using our sense of taste, but we can use our sense of smell. "The Hebrew word for "smell" (רֵיחַ) is cognate to the word for "spirit" (רוּחַ)."(from web-site below) [reax] and [ruax]

Take the first and last letter of חשון Cheshvan
and you have xen, what is pleasing חן
the middle two letters are like isha (woman), so that we learn that the month of Cheshvan contains the essence of a woman's xen - goodness. Thus, it is no surprise that the yahrzeit of Rachel(the anniversary of the death of Rahel Imenu) falls in this month, on the 11th of Cheshvan.

This month evokes the flood, as its duration was the solar year extending form the 17th to the 28th of the month.

From rosh chodesh shiur (lecture) of Rtn. Sara Leider.
More details on the organ, color, and zodiac sign of the month can be found on The Month of Cheshvan According to the Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) .
Dedicated to the memory of Cousin Laura, whose soul finished its journey in this world as this month began.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rosh Hashanah seder with food puns

Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the year from the perspective of asking for physical health; Yom Kippur is also called the beginning of the year (rosh ha-shanah) because this is when we ask for spiritual health. (As told to congregants by the rabbi's son-in-law, Tishrei 5769.)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lesson 1 - bet aleph-bet - the House of the aleph-bet

OK. I'm wrong. What you saw before this is actually lesson zero. It is meant to get you started by showing you how a sample of letters themselves can be identified by the smallest of children as small, large, and three-pronged. That is the visual approach. If you want a kinesthetic approach, you can read about yoga and the aleph bet. If you want a tactile approach, use Deborah's spaghetti structures, or go the the beach and trace letters in the sand. (I need a photo of LJ Shores here!)

The traditional European approach has been to use taste. That's right. Take a three-year old and draw the letters in honey. Have the child lick up the honey. My five-year old just came home with a recipe for "Yummy Aleph Sticks" from Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School's Judaic teacher. They spent enough time testing it in class, that he requested I create a sample at home.

This here is lesson one. Two Hebrew teachers and Rabbi Munk's book laid down the method to me. This is not just an "A to Z/Zed" or "Alpha to Omega" enterprise; this is the inculcation of the character attributes of each letter as they were revealed to Adam Ha-rishon (the first man). We start with unity (aleph), we build upon each attribute until we teach perfection and truth (tav).
aleph א This letter carries a vowel and is considered silent, although word-initially, there is a glottal stop. In its script form, it resembles the Arabic alif ا , but it has an additional "c" shape standing at its right. Interestingly enough, mathematics has adopted the symbol to describe the cardinality of infinite sets.

bet ב

tav ת

aleph = 1 unity



bet = 2 duality

heaven and earth

male and female


prefection and truth

Shin bet tav


bet house

beth (soft "T")

The largest Conservative and Reform synagogues in San Diego start with "Bet." What are they named?

Also starts with bet

The daughter of Pharoah, who named and raised Moshe / Moses

The wife of Jacob, who was the mother of Dan and Naphtali

Starts with "tav":

She had a daughter with Yehudah / Judah

Wife of Eisav's son Eliphaz and mother of Amalek obscure

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My first three letters / Shalosh oti?ot sheli

Lesson 0 or 1, depending how you count
The aleph-bet:

The smallest - yod י
"not one iota" -- like the Greek "not the tiniest bit"

The tallest - lamed ל
like the lam in Arabic ل , and the L in English

The one with three fingers - shin ׁש
also found in Cyrillic ш and Arabic ش
The dot is on the right, so that if you write, MOSHE, the O and the dot will co-exist: מ'שה

The mem+ ' is [mo] and the shin has the ' on the right ש', but we only write one dot. OK, so now you'll remember that shin gets the ' on the right?
This I recall from Mrs. Pesis in an almost-forgotten Talmud Torah class almost 40 years ago!
The three-finger association is from the "glyph lesson" formulated by SDSU's Dr. bar-Lev.

my/mine sheli shin-lamed-yod שליׁ
shel = of של
i = 1st person singular, either gender י.ׁ

Use IPA for the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) or read them like the Spanish vowels.

Find two cities in Jewish history that start with each letter:
Yavneh and Y-
Shushan and Sh-
Lydda and L-

Maps of Israel: zoomable , talking , detail in Hebrew

Thursday, August 14, 2008

G-d's name hides behind Tu B'av טוּ בּ'אב

Tu B'av is the day when inter-tribal marriages were allowed and when people had ruach ha-kodesh to know the identity of their beshert/e.

In the Talmud (Ta'anit 4:8) at we read that Rabbi Simeon ben Gamliel said there never were in Israel greater days of joy than the 15th of Av and the Day of Atonement. Both of these days are part of the cycle of new beginnings.

Tu טוּ
Tet-vav, ie 9 + 6 = 15
to avoid 10 + 5 (yod + heh)
which would form part of G'd's name. בּ'אב b' (in) Av (the name of the month, which occurs in July or August.)

ruach (spirit or wind) ha (the article)
Hmm must be a smichut/construct/idaafa form--stick "the" before the first word and "of" between the two nouns. QDS (holy) same as Arabic.
I can't recall the customary translation into English--maybe "divine insight."

Would it were that easy now!

NYC singles celebrate in 5768, with a high-tech twist:
New York Times Coverage:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

films in Hebrew

From the San Diego public library:

call number:DVD HEB 782.42163/SARIT ID:31336075681974 Śarit Ḥadad be-Ḳesaryah [videorecording] = Sarit Haddad in Caesaria. Hadad, Sarit.
Viewed 10/2008
Lots of Mizrahi style singing and some dancing. Good background music for a party.

call number:DVD 914.9504/RICK ID:31336076399428 Rick Steves'. Greece, Turkey, Israel & Egypt 2000-2007 [videorecording] / Back Door Productions in association with American Public Television and Oregon Public Broadcasting. Steves, Rick, 1955- due:9/29/2008,23:59

call number:DVD HEB 791.4372/HAIRDRESSER ID:31336075511916 Hairdresser [videorecording] = Sapar nashim / produced by Rudy Cohen ... [et al.] ; screenplay, Hillel Mitelponket and Zʹev Revah ; directed by Zʹev Revah. Reṿaḥ, Zeʼev, 1940-
This is like a Kumi Lemel film (twins who exchange places), but without so many religious overtones. If you don't mind steroetypes revolving around gay lifestyles, this is quite funny. Some nudity. The Hebrew is easy to understand even without the subtitles.
Viewed 9/2008

call number:DVD HEB 791.4372/OVER ID:31336075490558 Over the ocean [videorecording] = [Me-ʻever la-yam] / Transfax Productions ; produced by Marek Rozenbaum and Ron Ackerman ; directed by Jacob Goldwasser ; written by Haim Merlin. Muskuna, Arie.
Viewed August 2008
Everyone gets revved up to go to Canada, but the climax emphasizes the idealism of not going. This film has some poignant reminders of what it was like to have grown up with parents who survived the Holocaust, as the vocabulary and scenes of the Shoah enter their daily existence years later.

call number:DVD HEB 791.4372/AFULAH ID:31336075490574 ʻAfulah eḳspres [videorecording] / Asaf Amir, G'uli Shlez, matsigim ; sirṭah shel G'uli Shlez ; tasriṭ meḳori ʻAmit Leʼor be-shituf G'uli Shlez ṿe-Asaf Amir ; mefiḳ Asaf Amir ; bamaʼit G'uli Shlez = Afula express / Assaf Amir & Julie Shles present a film by Julie Shles ; script by Amit Leor with Julie Shles & Assaf Amir ; produced by Assaf Amir ; directed by Julie Shles. Shles, Julie. Viewed July 2008
Film cover has a different name, something like "Pick a card"

call number:DVD HEB 782.42159/SHARIM ID:31336077115435 Sharim bemadim [videorecording] = Songs in uniforms. Sisu Home Entertainment, Inc. due
Viewed July 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Why look at a translation when you can read the original?

Thanks to Mrs. Halevy at HaUlpan San Diego for mentioning these examples in her shabbos shi'ur. (I wrote the lesson from memory after Shabbat, so all errors are mine.)

The story of Samson and Delilah is the story of Shimshon and Delilah, which is the story of "Day and Night."

The Scroll of Ruth (megillat rut)
Boaz sees the protagonist (Ruth) collecting charity--sheaves of wheat--from the corners of his field and asks "who is that girl?" Yesterday, I learned that his question in Hebrew is actually "who is that youth?"--genderless or male. Na'arah vs Na'ar. So, looking at the original text is more elucidating than looking at the translation.

It sounds silly that this point has been overlooked in the literature, but I easily found the mistranslation. The original text uses the unmarked form (Na'ar) to emphasize the modesty of Ruth. That is, she is so modestly clad that Bo?az is unsure of her gender.

Here are more--none are accurately glossed--on the first page of hits.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Molding identity: Language, culture, and politics

Arabic Hebrew

night ל'לה لَيْلَة
layla layla

six שש سِتَّة
seita shesh

house ב'ת بَيْت
bayt bayit

first letter of alphabet
אלף الُؤ
alif aleph

rice ארז أرز
aroz orez
cf. Spanish

"A language is a dialect with an army."

(Lessow-Hurley,p. 29)
no citation given

MK Gross Spring 2008, EDUC 350
3 Hebrew icons from Dr. bar-Lev, SDSU
On-line Arabic dictionary

Languages that have changed alphabetic systems: Moldavian, Turkish

From wikipedia:

Moldavian was in Cyrillic until 1989 . Still used in break-away province.

Turkic languages used Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, Latin, and other Asiatic systems.

The current 29-letter Turkish alphabet, used for the Turkish language, was established by the Law on the Adoption and Implementation of the Turkish Alphabet, numbered 1353,[1] in Turkey on November 1, 1928, as a vital step in the cultural part of Atatürk's Reforms.

Vietnamese is written in the Latin alphabet.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Using transference in second language acquisition

Using the following language-specific information, try reading the Hebrew word.

Direction: right to left

Sequence: some vowels are beneath the consonant; read the consonant first, then the vowel

Five sounds you will use:

ש = sh, as in shoe

ָ = a, as in awful
variable English pronounciation mirrors variable Hebrew pronounciation

ל = l, as in lamp

ו = o, as in home

ם = m, as in mouse

The reading skills you transferred include directionality, sequencing, and the ability to tell shapes and sounds apart. You can transfer these skills from the language you know to a new language!

More generally, transferance is a phenomenon where the knowledge, skills, and attitudes from one domain can be applied to other domains.

Based on page 62 of Lessow-Hurley, J. (1990). The foundations of dual language instruction. New York: Longman.

Thanks to Chen Levkovich's Hebrew keyboard and wikipedia's graphics .

Thursday, January 10, 2008


What's already on our bookshelf:

Ben-Yehuda's pocket (ISBN 0-671-47211-9)
Shilo (2004, Brooklyn)
Zack (1991, Jerusalem)
Zilberman (1993, Jerusalem)


Jacob Richman's lists include vocabulary for computers

PC vocab Hey! the scroll bar is on the left-hand side.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hebrew learning resources in San Diego